Wednesday, January 22, 2020

A Few Reminders.....

As we get into the new semester, I thought a few reminders were in order:

  • Please remind your students that phone usage during class is not permitted unless we are doing an activity that requires that electronic device.  This is a long semester and I need their attention as much as possible.  
  • Student absences are inevitable.  I ask that students who miss a test or a quiz make that assignment up within one week of their return.  The main reason I need this is because grades are due for progress reports or report cards every three weeks--in fact, the first progress report card date is this Friday, Jan. 24th.  While there are extenuating circumstances, I am required by the district and UIL to get grades in by a certain point.  That means that grades not completed by that date will become zeroes, including tests and quizzes.  
  • Only one late daily grade per nine weeks is permitted.  This is the LOTE (Languages Other than English) policy.  The late assignment will only be taken one class period late and for a maximum grade of a 70.  There are times that I do not allow late work and I tell the students that when I pass it out.  
  • The last items are regarding security.  Students must wear their ID with their photo at all times.  This is not only a campus expectation but a district one.  Also, my door will be locked at all times; this is a district and campus expectation as well.  My goal is to keep your child and myself safe throughout the time they are with me.  Please help me with these goals.