Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The End of This Grading Period

The current grading period will end the Friday after Spring Break.  There have been lots of absences due to illness and field trips.  My make up folder is still pretty full.  If you or your student has been absent, please double check that everything is current.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Latin Funnies from Twitter

If you are on Twitter, consider following Ecce Romani Memes as there are some good ones there.

End of Progress Period 6

This Friday marks the end of the Progress Report Period 6.  There have many students absent over the past few weeks, so grades may not be completely accurate.  This grading period ends on Friday March 24th.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!

Monday, February 20, 2017

AP on Feb. 21st

The AP Latin class will be taking D lunch on February 21st.  Please come to class at the correct time!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Last Day.....

Wednesday February 15th will be the last day for students to enter their course selections for next year.  If you have any questions or issues, be sure to contact your counselor for help!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Felix Valentines Diem!

The Latin classes have been hard at work making Valentines this year ahead of the big holiday. Below is a picture of the Valentines made by the GHS Latin and French students.  Amor et l' amitie!

Monday, February 6, 2017


I'd like to take a moment to remind students (and parents) about when it is appropriate to use phones/electronic devices in the Latin classroom:
1.  When I say "You need an electronic device", you can have your phone out.  It means you should also be working on the assignment that I have given you and not looking at videos on You Tube, Snapchatting, etc.
2.  When you are done with your Latin work for the day and we are waiting for others to finish up.  If you are texting, etc. when you're supposed to be working, that means you may be missing important instructions, not completing your work in a timely fashion, etc.
3.  Using your phone during a test or quiz is extremely inappropriate!

Friday, February 3, 2017

AP Test Payments

Next week, Feb. 6-10th, GHS will be taking payments for students who are taking any AP Tests this school year.  If you have any questions, please contact assistant principal, Catherine Henry, at the GHS front office.