Sunday, May 13, 2018

School Year Coming to a Close

The 2017-2018 school year is coming to a close.  All make up work--tests, quizzes, classwork--must be completed by Thursday May 24th at 9 AM.  I need time to get the grade book finalized before exams begin the next week. 

Anyone wanting to do a re-take of a low test/quiz grade needs to see my ASAP so that we can schedule a time and so that I can get things reprinted.  Each student is allowed to retake one test or quiz per grading period for a maximum grade of a 70.  The only exceptions are unit tests as they may not be retaken.  Any retakes must also be completed by Thursday May 24th at 9 AM.

Many are missing multiple tests/quizzes at this moment due to absences for field trips and AP tests.  Any make up work not submitted will receive a 0 in the grade book on May 24th.  Please let me know if you have any questions.