Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Additional Reminder for High School Students

Just as in years past, all students must participate in the semester review exercises, even if they are exempting the exam.  I take multiple daily grades over each review.  Not completing the activities may result in your grade dropping below the exemption minimum, thus leading to you losing your exemption status.

Monday, December 10, 2018

End of Semester Reminder

This is a friendly reminder that any make up work, make up tests, or retakes for high school students must be completed by Friday morning at 8:40 AM.  The time has been to reflect a change in my schedule.  I apologize for any inconvenience.  You need to contact me ASAP if you are wanting to retake something.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

End of Semester Deadline

For High School Students
The last day to make up or re-take any tests or turn in any late work will be Friday Dec. 14th at 4 PM.  This gives me the opportunity to check grades and notify parents and students of failures or possibly not being able to exempt an exam.  Exams for high school students will be Dec. 19th-21st; CHHS students will come for exams and there will be an adjusted shuttle schedule for all three days.

For Middle School Students
The last day to make up or re-take any tests or turn in any late work will be Wednesday Dec. 12th at 8:20 AM.  This gives me the opportunity to check grades and notify parents and students of failures.  The semester exam for middle school zero period students will be Monday Dec. 17th.

I would like to remind all students and parents of the GHS LOTE Dept. policies:
*  students may retake a failing test for a maximum grade of a 70 each grading period.
*  students may turn in one late daily grade for a maximum grade of a 70.  The assignment will not be taken after it is more than one day late.  Also, if it is something that I will be going over, I will not take the assignment as a late grade as the students will then know the answers.  This is usually the case for most reviews and some other homework assignments.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email me!

Monday, November 26, 2018

High School Fall Exam Schedule

Attached, you will find the 2018 High School Final Exam Schedule.  Please note that there is only one half day.  The middle school zero period exam will be Monday December 17th during our class time.

2018 Fall Exam Schedule

Friday, October 5, 2018

End of the 1st Grading Period

The 1st grading period will end on Friday Oct. 19th.  Grades are due for eligibility purposes are due that afternoon at 4 PM.  The grade book will close on Wednesday Oct. 17th at 4:30 PM.  ANY make up work, retaking of tests, late work, or make up work will need to be completed by then or any missing grades will become zeroes at that time.  Please see me if you want to school any after school time so that I can make sure that I can be there.  If there are any questions, please come and talk to me!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


On Friday September 28th, the grade book will close in order to determine eligibility.  Any and all make up work/tests/quizzes and re-takes will need to be done by that morning at 8:30 AM.  If your grade is below 70 at that time, you will not be eligible to compete in most extracurricular activities.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or come see me to set up an appointment for tutorials or make up times. 

Friday, September 7, 2018


This is just a reminder that I have to submit grades every three weeks.  If you are missing things, they must be completed and turned in by the Thursday before the end of that three week grading period. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Welcome, Ms. Dempewolf!

Please help me in welcoming Ms. Emma Dempewolf as the student teacher for this semester.  Ms. Dempewolf is from Oklahoma and is pursuing a masters degree in teaching from the University of Dallas.  She has already been teaching a few lessons and is off to a great start! 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Latin Club

The Latin Club is enrolling members from now until October 4th.  Dues are $10 and Latin Club is open to any high school student currently enrolled in Latin or any former Latin student.  Our next meeting will be Tuesday Sept. 11th at either 8:20 AM or 4:05 PM in Mrs. McConathy's room.  Come with t-shirt ideas and ideas for club activities!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Zero Hour Students

If you are going to be in the zero hour Latin I class, see the attached flyer for some basic information for class.  We will not be having a meeting this year, so, if you have any questions, please email me or Jodi Cox (jodi.cox@gcisd.net) for further information.

Zero Hour Flyer 2018-2019

For anyone wanting to get a jump on the new year....

please look at the attached slide show.  Find your class and you can go ahead and join the Google Classroom and the Remind for your class period.  If you have any questions, let me know!

Classroom Codes for the 2018-2019 School Year

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

School Supply List for the 2018-2019 School Year

Here is the supply list for the upcoming school year.  Please try to make sure that you have all the materials for the entire school year.  We keep working through May.

  • pens, pencils, red/purple pen for grading, highlighter.
  • paper or spiral.
  • folder or binder for notes and assignments; a binder probably works best.
  • A Latin dictionary for home use; while there are online dictionaries available for use, they do not always provide the best definitions for a word or even the definitions of common phrases/idioms.
  • 6 packs of 100 3x5 notecards for vocabulary flash cards.
  • one box of Kleenex.

Latin III PAP students will be reading Vergil's "Aeneid" in the spring in English.  I do have a classroom set of the books, but students will not be able to write in them or make notations.  If you would like to have your own copy (recommended if you are considering taking AP Latin or if you like to take lots of notes as you read), you can find the book here:

Latin II PAP and Latin III PAP students will be reading excerpts of Edith Hamilton's "Mythology" throughout the school year as well.  I am working on getting a class set for use during class time, but students wishing to have their own copy (again for note taking, etc) can find a copy of the book here:

If you are looking to donate things to my classroom, I can always use:
extra packs of notecards
colored paper for quizzes, special assignments

Sunday, May 13, 2018

School Year Coming to a Close

The 2017-2018 school year is coming to a close.  All make up work--tests, quizzes, classwork--must be completed by Thursday May 24th at 9 AM.  I need time to get the grade book finalized before exams begin the next week. 

Anyone wanting to do a re-take of a low test/quiz grade needs to see my ASAP so that we can schedule a time and so that I can get things reprinted.  Each student is allowed to retake one test or quiz per grading period for a maximum grade of a 70.  The only exceptions are unit tests as they may not be retaken.  Any retakes must also be completed by Thursday May 24th at 9 AM.

Many are missing multiple tests/quizzes at this moment due to absences for field trips and AP tests.  Any make up work not submitted will receive a 0 in the grade book on May 24th.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Make Up Work and Tests

The spring brings a lot of absences for various reasons:  field trips, illness, athletics.  Still, the district expects grades to be as up to date as possible and the expectation is that things are made up within a reasonable amount of time.  Sadly, I am still missing make up work and tests from the beginning of the new grading period, so the grades are low for a lot of students.  Please remind your student (or yourself) to see me when you return so that we can set a schedule for getting make up work in a timely fashion.  In Latin I, Latin II PAP, and Latin III PAP, we are wrapping up units and work turned after we're done with the unit doesn't help me help the students prepare for the test. 

If you need to make up a test, I will be in my room on Monday April 9th after school for several students who have said they will be coming to make something up.  As always, you can always come in during zero hour (starting at 7:30 AM) to make things up as well.  Zero period students who are needing to make up tests, need to show up earlier than start time so that we don't lose a whole class period for make up tests. 

We are getting close to the end of the school year and I want everyone to be passing when we hit exams!  If you have any questions or concerns, please email me:  julie.mcconathy@gcisd.net

Monday, March 5, 2018

End of the Grading Period

Just a reminder that the end of the current grading period is this Friday.  Any and all missing classwork, homework, tests, quizzes must be made up by Thursday at 4:30 PM.  Grades are due the next day at 4:00 PM.

If you are going to be absent on the last day of the grading period (Thursday for A day classes, Friday for B day classes) and you still owe me work, the grade will turn into a zero if you do not get this to me.  Students in the past have sent their work with another student, slid it under my door, or snapped pictures of their work and emailed them to me.  Check Skyward ASAP!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Two things....

1.  I see a lot of students showing up with no writing utensils or paper.  I have a few things that I can provide if there is a true need, but please check with your student to see if they need a replenishing on their basic school supplies.  Students, if you need paper and pencil/pen, ASK your parents. 

2.  I don't give a lot of homework, but it does happen.  Since I don't give a lot, I have the expectation that it will get done.  Most times, I am just taking it for a completion grade--you just have to try!  I currently have many students in the lower levels who are not doing what little homework I give them and they are taking zeroes on them in many occasions.  I sometimes do send out Reminds about homework (and always about tests!).  If you want to join Remind, please see your class page here on the Blog and you can join and get the reminders that I send out. 

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Were you absent?

With the flu, strep throat, stomach viruses, and field trips, there have been a lot of students absent!  If you have been absent, it is your responsibility to come and see me about any make up work--including tests or quizzes--when you return.  Not making up work--including tests and quizzes--in a timely manner can result in you getting zeroes for those grades and can lead to eligibility problems.  You may come in any morning during zero period, which starts at 7:30 AM, to make up any tests or quizzes.  If you would like to come in after school, please talk to me first so that I can make sure that my schedule is open.  Please come see me or email me (julie.mcconathy@gcisd.net) if you have any questions.